Sunday, April 27, 2014

America, We Stand! The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!

We as Americans as a whole have lost the vision as to where we are going as a nation!  As one of those Americans, I have no real feeling of clearly defined goals and dreams for our nation that we so desperately need. It saddens me that an American would feel negative towards America but that is where many people stand! I've given 22+ years of my life defending our great Nation next to thousands of freedoms heroes.  These freedoms are now being taken for granted. We forget that this nation was built by the people for the people! I thank God for all the men and women that sacrificed there lives for our freedom! There greatest sacrifice is being disrespected by anyone who puts down all that they fought for! There is no doubt that we are in uncertain times! We can make a difference! What will you do? Will we look back on this time and say "We made it!" or will we say "We saw it coming but did nothing about it." The greatest thing about history is that we must realize that we have a choice not to repeat it! I say just as I did my last 22 years serving this country, "Not on my watch!" Please join me and read, listen and associate with like minded people who are building communities of people that WILL make a difference! We have got to wake up and build a bridge to a better future for our children of a stronger Nation and a great future by living a leading example. Thank you to all that have serve, are serving and will serve!!! God bless America!!! I love that I have the freedom to say that! "Give me liberty or give me death!"

Friday, January 17, 2014

Comfort zone

It's simple! We are either improving daily or declining. Knowing that, if you want success, you must step out of your comfort zone daily! If you have momentum, don't stop! Step on the gas and go faster. Find a mentor and allow him or her to stretch you beyond your current ability! Remember that we have an unlimited ability to grow to greatness! But, you must start and commit to your dream! Then take a step toward your dreams and goals on a daily basis. Wake up chasing your dream as if it is life or death. When you find your passion it's like injecting nitrous in to the engine of a muscle car!