Friday, November 29, 2013

Toughen Up!

What better way to improve everyday than to work on toughening up in the areas of leadership and success. I have been on a new journey in my life and I can look back and see that there have been several very distinct stages to my progress. The one that has been the hardest for me to overcome has been the fear of what others think of me. It got to a point that it was causing me to mentally give myself chest pains. It has taken several books, many audio CDs and some amazing association with like minded people but at the pentacle of this comes Claude Hamilton's new book Toughen Up! Wow! Put all the other books you're currently reading down and pick this one up NOW!!! This is a high impact easy read from a high impact author Claude Hamilton through his proven experiences in his life! This is a game changer for me that has already impacted my life and will continue to be a huge driver to my success! I desperately needed this book and I know there are so many others that are going to agree! My favorite chapter is strength 7 on Passion! Amazing!!! I think that we can all agree that we are lacking leadership in North America so lets all Toughen Up! and do something about it.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

My realization!

A year ago I realized that I was wasting my life away. I was burning time and for what? I was not living on purpose for my TRUE purpose. What did I have to show for what I did on a daily basis? Nothing! I was skating by in my job and vegetating after work in front of the TV. Two years had gone by where I didn't make any new friends and had little to show for the time spent. I was living a life of mediocrity! This is a life that is shared by 95% of the population. I realized this when I was introduced to some new information. The funny thing is a lot of it was not NEW information at all! It has been around for decades but was never given to me. Why? That would be a whole different discussion. I slowly started applying this new information in my life and it started to change my thinking. I saw the opportunity to grow myself on a daily basis and start pulling all the negative weeds that have been growing in my mind for years. I discovered that I had a lot of limiting beliefs that were holding me back! I’m currently working on demolishing these negative belief sky scrapers and rebuilding new positive beliefs sky scraper! Not an easy task! We all have the potential for greatness given to us at conception but we must work daily to develop our SKILLS to realize this greatness inside of us! Will you realize you greatness? What area of your life do you need to start in? Choose and area and start working on it today!